May 8, 2024

Vocal Point-Dr. Cal Beisner

Topic: NYT blames Christians for Coronvirus Response Recorded 3-31-20

Recently, the New York Times (NYT) blamed Christians for President Trump’s allegedly poor response to the coronavirus crisis. The NYT article was entitled “The Religious Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Coronavirus Response.” The article gave an example of the Christian right and the disagreement with man-made catastrophic global warming (climate change), and the NYT even called out by name as a bad group, the Cornwall Alliance. The spokesman for the Cornwall Alliance is Dr. Cal Beisner, a frequent guest on Vocal Point. Dr. Beisner, who recently wrote a rebuttal to the NYT op-ed, joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the anti-Christian canards that the NYT threw out in this article.