May 8, 2024

Vocal Point-Marcus Pittman

Topic: Abortion

Marcus Pittman is a video producer with the group He produced a video called “Babies Are Being Murdered Here” and a subsequent documentary, “Babies Are Still Being Murdered Here.” His organization condemns the use of violence on the part of anyone claiming to be pro-life. Their 5-part message is:

1.) “Abortion is MURDER
2.) An issue of national sin
3.) Repent and believe the Gospel
4.) Rescue babies and parents
5.) We want justice”

Marcus Pittman joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the horrors of abortion.

PS-Here are some recent comments from “End Abortion Now.”

They wrote, “We recently wrote Abortion Is Murdering Humans, which we believe would be relevant to one of your articles. If you find it interesting, I thought it could provide extra value to the readers of your article. Additionally, links to this article allow it to rank higher in Google Search above other dishonest pro-abortion articles.

“If you wish to continue to help end abortion, I have provided some easy step-by-step instructions below that should take less than 5 minutes to accomplish.

For more information, see