April 20, 2024

Vocal Point-Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr.

Here is a controversial thesis; and by my own admission, I am not a qualified scholar to rightly judge whether it is accurate or not. However, in the interest of letting this idea get a fair hearing, I decided to proceed with this interview. Robert Bowie Johnson is a graduate of West Point, and through his extensive research on ancient Greece, he is convinced that the pantheon of gods from ancient Greece are actually corrupted versions of biblical narratives. So that Zeus is patterned after Adam, Hera after Eve, Hephaistos after Cain, Ares after Seth, Nereus after Noah, Herakles after Nimrod, Athena after Naamah, etc. Johnson has written a few books on this subject that are beautifully illustrated, including “Genesis Characters and Events in Ancient Greek Art.” It is fascinating to see undeniably clear images in Greek art of a woman encountering the ancient serpent. Robert Bowie Johnson joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to explain the thesis of his book. www.solvinglight.com