May 7, 2024

TV Specials on Christianity and Early Colonial America

TV specials on Christianity and the settling and the founding of America. One special is entitled, “A City on a Hill.” It is a part of the ongoing Foundation of American Liberty series by Dr. Jerry Newcombe. This series deals with America’s Judeo-Christian roots.

One needs a password to see this special. A password is available for media and ministry outlets by contacting

City on a Hill:

City on a Hill, bonus footage:

Endowed by Their Creator

Bonus Footage (additional commentary) for Endowed:

*Watch a brand new TRAILER for “Endowed By Their Creator.”

The Beginning of Wisdom:

Or The Beginning of Wisdom:

Or Beginning of Wisdom:

Bonus footage for The Beginning of Wisdom:

The Road to Independence:

Bonus footage for The Road to Independence [password: BONUS]:

We The People:

Bonus footage for We the People:

Special on George Washington:

Note: password needed:

Here is the Pilgrims special with Chinese subtitles:

Or you can see it here.

Here is the Pilgrims special in English.